Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Why Baseball?

 For someone who has no interest in baseball,  understanding why people do love the sport bewilders people. I would say the same thing about cricket.  You have to look at each person’s experience to understand where this interest came from.  I think the reason I got into baseball is because as a young person I experienced the  atmosphere supporting the local professional baseball team (Phillies) of a winning team from end of March to October. In my opinion, the future of any sport is capturing the interest of the youth, which is why youth baseball should be supported by MLB and fully funded for those who want to play ball and have the talent.  All my nephews played baseball and to this day I root for their respective teams.

Back in the 80s,  everyone around me was talking about Phillies baseball, from the dinner table to the playground.  My mind saw this and thought this baseball must be good for people were talking. They discussed their favorite players, like Carlton and Schmidt, and what the team needed to do to win. 

I liked talking about baseball, for I was a tomboy. I enjoyed playing stickball outside with neighborhood kids. I am not the most athletic person, but I  put in 100% effort. Because I knew I was not going to play baseball for I did not have the ability, I respect those who have the ability and play ball, especially those who beat the odds.  Only a small percentage of those in minor leagues make it to the major league. 

  This baseball excitement continued until the infamous baseball strike (1994-95), that disenfranchised many from following baseball. For that 232-day strike, we lost 900+ games and no World Series for 1994 season.  The strike along with the steroid era put a  black mark on baseball’s image.  To be honest, I too disconnected from baseball.  I got caught up again when I started going to baseball parks and saw the crowds supporting their local teams. I got into it by collecting stamps of each park and journaling so that I remembered the experience.  This is why I am able to talk about my baseball trip years later. I wrote down my thoughts as I experienced them.  This blog is my opportunity to reflect on my trips to baseball parks over the years.

 I remembered why I loved baseball and I love the game.  I love that merit is why people get paid and get the accolades.  I love the fact you are not out of it until the last out in the 9th inning.  There is always a chance for a comeback. In baseball game, we win some; we lose some. Baseball is a metaphor for life. 

Map of all 30 Major League Ballparks

As Babe Ruth said, “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.”  Keep playing.

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